Alexandra Park Bowling Club Seniors Section
Constitution and Rules
Headquarters: Alexandra Park, Stockton Heath
- Constitution, Membership, Management
- Finance
- Meetings
- Handicaps
- Complaints, Appeals, Trophies
- Mains, Tournaments
- Club prizes for performance in the ‘Warrington and District Seniors Bowling Association Leagues’
- Fees
- Rules
1. Constitution, Membership, Management
1.0 The title of the club shall be ‘Alexandra Park Bowling Club Seniors Section’. The Club shall operate as a non-profit organisation for the benefit of its members and the furtherance of Crown Green Bowls in the local area.
1.1 Membership shall be open to anyone who wants to take part in the social bowling activities of the club and shall be at the discretion of the committee. In order for bowlers to play in the Warrington and District Seniors Bowling League the minimum age limit is 60 years of age.
1.2 The Club will not discriminate against people on the grounds of disability, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs,
1.3 The objects of the Club are:
1.3.1 To organise Mains and Tournaments for the members and to foster the spirit of good fellowship among members.
1.3.2 To take part in the Warrington and District Seniors Bowls Association league matches and comply with the rules outlined in the Association Handbook.
1.3.3 To abide by the Laws of the Game as outlined by the British Crown Green Bowling Association
1.4 New members wishing to join must complete an application form for membership, duly proposed and seconded by existing members, which will be then considered by the Committee. The classes of membership are as follows:
a. Full Members – members who are eligible to play for the club in league teams as well as club organised Mains and Tournaments.
b. Social Members – members who are eligible to play in Club organised Mains and Tournaments only.
c. Life Members – members of the club who have been awarded life membership in recognition of their service to the club over a number of years.
1.5 The Club shall be run by a Committee elected at the AGM. The members of the Committee shall comprise the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer (the officers) and the competition secretary, the away-day organiser, the membership secretary, the safeguarding/welfare officer, the Publicity Officer Team Captains and Vice Captains, plus Team Delegates for the ‘Warrington and District Seniors Bowls Association’. The Committee shall have the authority to co-op members as required and shall be held responsible for the interpretation of the Club Constitution and Rules.
1.6 Committee members shall be proposed, seconded and elected by ballot at the AGM.
1.7 Members of the Committee shall, where appropriate, receive an honoraria to the value approved by the AGM.
1.8 The Committee shall consider the finances of the Club and recommend to the AGM appropriate membership fees
1.9 Any matter not provided for in this constitution shall be decided upon by the Committee.
1.10 In the event of the Club being dissolved all remaining monies must be given to a Charity decided at a meeting of the members or if a Charity cannot be identified distributed in equal portions to each current member after the payment of all debts and repayment of any loans.
2. Finance
2.1 All monies and accounts to be kept in a proper commercial manner by the Treasurer and to be audited annually by Auditor(s) appointed at the AGM. The resultant statement to be produced at the AGM.
3. Meetings
3.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be convened to elect Committee Members for the ensuing year, to approve honoraria, to accept and pass yearly accounts, to consider motions concerning Rules changes, if any, and to conduct any other business concerning the Club.
3.2 Nominations for election of members to any office or membership of the Committee shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder to the Secretary not later than 14 days before the date of the AGM.
3.3 An AGM quorum requires 1/3rd of the membership to be present.
3.4 Committee Meetings to be called by the Secretary as needs arise. A committee meeting quorum requires a minimum of 5 Committee Members and shall include at least one officer.
3.5 Any member of the club has the right, with written support of 2/3rds of the membership to call an extraordinary general meeting.
3.6 The Committee may call a meeting of members at any time provided they give 21 days prior notice.
3.7 In all meetings where a decision is required this shall be done by a simple show of hands. In the case of no majority being obtained i.e a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
3.8 Minutes of all meetings must be taken and recorded in writing.
4. Handicaps
4.1 Members handicaps shall be set and reviewed as necessary by the
Competitions Secretary
4.2 In 4-handed named partner Mains, the handicap of each member playing together as a pair shall be added together, then halved to determine the handicap of the pair rounded up as necessary.
4.3 All new members handicaps shall be decided by the Competitions Secretary and these shall be reviewed as required and adjusted to reflect the players bowling ability.
4.5 Current handicaps shall be displayed on the club noticeboard.
5. Complaints, appeals and Trophies
5.1 Any member lodging a complaint must submit it in writing, within 21 days, to the Secretary for the Committee’s decision.
5.2 All Club Cups etc. held by winners of competitions shall be returned in good order duly engraved, where required [which the Club Treasurer will re-imburse on production of a valid receipt] ready for presentation when such a Cup is played for.
6. Mains and Tournaments
6.1 These will be held on Wednesday afternoons with a latest check in time of 1.00pm. The competition may be held on either or both greens at the discretion of the Competition Secretary.
6.2 An entry sheet for competitions shall be placed on the noticeboard at least one week in advance.
6.3 The Committee may enhance the prize money by such sums as considered appropriate. Entry fee for the competitions shall be the amount agreed by the Committee plus £1 for any raffle [the proceeds of which shall be divide 50/50, winner/ club funds]. League match raffles shall be divided in the same manner.
The weekly competition money shall be split 80/20 – prize money / club funds respectively. On Away Days the prize money payments will be at the discretion of the organisers.
6.4 Members playing in Mains, Tournaments and Away Days shall not practice on the green on the day of the competition.
7. Club Prizes for performance in the ‘Warrington and District Seniors Bowls League’
7.1 The player in each team with the most wins shall receive a prize from the Club, the value of which shall be decided by the Committee. In the event of two or more players achieving the same number of wins, the Committee shall decide what prizes are to be given.
7.2 The player in each team with the best average will receive a prize from the Club, the value of which shall be decided by the Committee. To qualify, a player must have played 50% of all games played.
A plus average shall be determined by deducting the total points against from the total for and dividing this figure by the total games played. A minus average shall be determined by deducting the points for from the total points against and dividing this figure by the total games played.
7.3 No player can win both MOST WINS and BEST AVERAGE prizes.
8. Fees
8.1 There shall be an Annual subscription fee for both full and social members as determined at the AGM. There are two categories of social member; one for ex players, who have retired from playing for an APBC team and one for other social members.
8.2 Team player registration fees as determined annually by the ‘Warrington and District Seniors Bowling Association’ shall be collected by the Club Treasurer for payment to the Association.
8.3 Any member wishing to become a VICE PRESIDENT of the Club may donate a discretionary amount with a minimum established at the AGM.
9. Rules
9.1 The Committee shall have the right to make rules changes as required, these changes shall be ratified at the next AGM.