Alexandra Park

The park, a King George V playing field, located on Alexandra Road, lies within the predominantly residential area of Stockton Heath in Warrington South and is approximately 4 hectares (10 Acres) in size.

Linked to the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Fields (Mill Lane Fields), managed by Stockton Heath Parish Council, the park has within its boundaries the community’s public library with both St. Thomas’s C.E. primary school and the local Scout centre within the boundaries of the combined recreational space making this an excellent area for both recreational and outdoor educational opportunities for the local community.

The park facilities include a highly popular children’s play area, two well-maintained bowling greens and a blend of formal horticultural features and natural habitats, that provide a welcome refuge for human and wildlife visitors alike.
The park is managed by Warrington Borough Council

in conjunction with the Friends of Alexandra Park, a group formed in 2009 to represent the views of the regular park visitors, local residents and the bowling clubs based in the park to influence park management decisions and service delivery in favour of what the local community want.
The group work in partnership with local organisations including Stockton Heath Festival Committee, the Parish council and local charity projects to enable the Park to host a range of annual community events.

The group hold regular meetings and provide opportunities for local people to find out what’s going on in their local park via this website, a Facebook page and regular news letters.

The group also contribute to a range of practical tasks undertaken within the park which helped the park gain its prestigious Green Flag status, awarded for the first time in 2010/11 and successfully retained in subsequent annual inspections.

You can read more about the park here.